Monday, August 19, 2013

Creation Requires Influence

Today's conversation in class focused on the qualities that make a "killer" film. We discussed a few posts that touched on genre expectations, sound design and cinematography. Each example used a film reference that made the theory relevant.

Kirby Ferguson's "Everything is Remix", utilizes this technique masterfully as he poignantly navigates us through his research into the genre references of some our Directorial illuminati. I love how this mini doc reveals the inspiration of some of the masters and in a way somehow humanizes them. They are not divine beings, but rather everyday people who were able to Adapt, Transform and Subvert what they saw and create a work of art with a unique vision.

Lastly, we discussed Joseph Campbell's structure of the hero's journey as we look to see the underlying structure behind these tragic heroes we torture through our work. Crusaders, Misfits, Independent Women and Arch Villains all in way follow the structure of this mono-myth that explores the trials and tribulations of the human condition.

As we watch our next exploration of heroic figures in Prime Time, consider our essential question:

How does media create a shared vision of reality? How does this year's Oscar list and new releases paint a portrait our culture's "Ideology"? 

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Italian NeoRealism- Research Script

Italian Neo Realism- Bicycle Thief and The Children of Heaven- Research Script-

Research Question:

How do both the Bicycle Thief and The Children of Heaven use the Italian Realist style as a form of social criticism?

Areas to focus:
1. Themes and Ideology explored in the films
2. Cinematic Techniques used to communicate ideology
3. Historical Context- Societal and Industry

Requirements in Response:
1. 2 Column Script Format in googledocs
2. Still Images from Films- see youtube-
3. Use textual analysis and film language from the textual analysis questions
4. Make sure to choose INSIGHTFUL scenes and shots as evidence.

Steps in Process:
1. Blog on Primer-
2. Venn Diagram-
3. Screen Shots w/ Analysis
4. Build the 2 Col. Script

Children of Heaven-

Monday, January 18, 2010

Behind the Scenes of Avatar

In addition to our 3D IMAX adventure of Avatar, I would like you to reflect on the film's production process as well as its economic, and socio- cultural impact on our culture. Please read and view all of the following links before responding in your own blog post.

1. Production: What challenges did James Cameron have in realizing his vision?
2. Creating the Virtual World: What was the process used in creating Pandora?

3. Performance Capture verses Motion Capture: How has performance caputure changed the filmmaking process?
4. Avatar Earnings to Boost News Corp:-
a. How much money was spent on marketing for the film?
b. What challenges does News Corp face in realising profits?
c. In your opinion, does the massive budget spent on the film effect the authenticity of its message?
5. Socio-Cultural Impact-
- Avatar Challenges Us to Be All We can Be
- Avatar is Marred by Racist Subtext, 2 and 3
- Fail Blog- Avatar's Plot Fail
a. Do you agree with the critic's claim that Avatar "identifies the profound spiritual bankruptcy that underlies our financial insolvency...and reminds us (to)... make new choices for the greatest good of all". Or is this film just a trite recycling of previous plots that reinforces racist stereotypes? Explain with examples from the film.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Short Film Narrative- Yes, we need to keep the story short and sweet. That's the very nature of the medium. Want to complete a basic narrative analysis of your treatment consider:
  • Character: Who is your story about and what are their defining features?
  • Challenge: What defining moments, setbacks and ultimate conflict have they been confronted with?
  • Change: How and what has the character learned in the end? What's your resolution?
Challenge: Focus on a short film you've found on line and outline these 3 basic areas of narrative development.

Mr. B

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are- such a classic book but how can Spike Jones adapt this to the big screen. A coming of age story with what angles? Watch the trailer and spin off what you think the narrative will develop....

Friday, October 19, 2007

Welcome IB Film and Advanced Students

Yup, you guessed it. It's time to commit our thoughts, feelings and research to a forum where we can bounce ideas off each other and continue our quest to be better film makers.

So to get us started in this process, each of you will be creating your own film blog that will be your digital note book for the following areas of exploration:

  1. Personal Stories: Each day we are visited upon many stories in our lives that might make for interesting films. Each week you'll commit one to your blog. It can something that happened to you, a family member, a friend, or even in the news. I will also be providing prompts on occasion.
  2. Film Reviews and Responses: Each of us is an avid film fanatic and watch films at an chance we get. Sometimes these are seen in class and sometimes they are in the privacy of our homes. Let's share our thoughts regarding what excites us or annoys us about these films here. You can discuss shorts from the internet, classics you rent, or new releases; it's all fair game.
  3. Research on Film History, Theory and Production: All of you are in the process of developing your abilities as film critics and therefore are reading, researching, and screening films and texts in order to develop your understanding and ability to articulate the style and technique you see in film. Here we can post your independent research from textbook readings as well as on-line in blogs and research sites.
So as you can see, we'll have more than enough to write about and the best part of this is that " "WE ALL" will be reading what you write! Yes, as a blogger, you must read what other people are saying and comment on their thoughts in a meaningful and constructive way.

1. Create your own blog with your first name, last initial and design it the way you see fit.
2. Send me the URL to your blog so I can create a page for us to subscribe to each other's sites.
3. Commit to creating 3 posts a week. The topics will be from class assignments as well as self selected.
4. Let's start with a post on a personal story! What themes are you interested in exploring as a film maker? What seem to be controversial topics with in our culture that a film maker might give us some insight? Look at what's playing in the theaters, headlines in the papers, and what's on tv and throw out 3-5 ideas. If you have a link to a article, web page, image, movie.... great embed it into your post....

Let me know if you have any questions or issues getting started.
Let's get blogging!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Racisim in 2007

Take a look at a powerful segment produced by a 17 year old filmmaker in Washington DC. Kiri Davis is a young filmmaker whose high school documentary has left audiences at film festivals across the country stunned -- and has re-ignited a powerful debate over race.

Take a moment to view the short segment and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Here's the link:

Blog Archive